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Christopher Muscat

Christopher Muscat has been drawn to the world of Fantasy and Science Fiction through the Star Wars movies and the anime aired on the Italian TV stations, mainly, during the 70s. Goldrake and Daltanious were among his favourite childhood robot cartoons. His first encounter with comics took place when he was given an issue of The Avengers (part of the Korvac Saga). This sparked his everlasting interest in comics which has lead to his present status: an avid comic book collector with a collection that has been piling up for the last 30 years. Since then, he’s come to appreciate other things in life, not the least of which are; his supportive wife Sonia and adorable kids – Leah and Isaac. Although his early comic preferences were Marvel mainstream superheroes, he learnt to appreciate all kind of sequential art to the extent that he can’t figure out how to single out his main preference. An evolving profound immersion in comic book history, throughout the years, led to an admiration of varied comic creators. Some of his favourites are: John Byrne, Bill Watterson, Chris Bachalo, Ed Brubaker, Chris Samnee, Mark Millar, Albert Uderzo, Scott Snyder, Dan Brereton,…well the list is endless and always changing! His perspective on comics is always a positive one and refuses to pass judgement on a comic by his cover or some one else’s opinion. He also has a positive opinion on the recent surge of comic book movies. Chris emphasises that although these films might not be perfect, we should be grateful to the era in which we are living, where we have this opportunity to watch some of our favourite characters come to life on the big screen. Besides comic collecting/reading, he likes talking about them, doing the occasional sketch, watching films and listening to various kinds of Rock music.