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Marco Santucci

Marco Santucci, was born in Arezzo on August 9th, 1974 and he lives in the provence of Tuscany. He started training himself in the world of professional comics at the age of 16 when he met Fabio Civitelli who help him to make of his first amateur drawings a professional work. Marco started working professionally at the age of 20 for an italian super-hero miniseries called “Nembo”, published by Phoneix publishing.

Within a short time, he had moved up the ranks at Star Comics, where he drew two issues of the comics series called “Samuel Sand”. At the same time, he kept his hand in the graphic advertising industry. In 1998 Marco started his first big work in the Sergio Bonelli Publishing series, “Mister No”. The story, called “Little odessa” came out on July 1998. Today, Marco still collaborates for Sergio Bonelli Publishing. Marco has drawn about ten “Mister No” issues. In the meantime, he has also joined the staff of the International School of comics in Florence where he has given lessons in comic drawing and 3D graphics.

The professional skills accumulated over the years in comics and the correlating graphics software have allowed him to become one of the founding members of Arcadia Studio, a company whose products range from comic productions to 2D and 3D animations.

“Termite Bianca”, born as a animate series project and then converted into a comic, is Arcadia studio’s first project. With Termite Bianca, Marco got the chance to work with his another great passion: screenplay. Next to that Marco has also created some cartoon versions of the Termite Bianca characters.

At the end of 2005, Marco joined the staff of the most famous of the Bonelli series: “Tex”. He have been worked as penciler on three issue of the series. From 2008 Marco has been working for Marvel comics on “Secret Invasion: Spider-man” , “X-Factor”, “Siege: Spider-man” and “Captain America: Forever Allies” miniseries as penciler and inker ( with the inking assistant Patrick Piazzalunga). In the last periods, he’s working for Sergio Bonelli Publishings, on the horror series, “Dampyr” and on the french series “La Mandragore” ( by Soleil editions)( which is the graphic creator).