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Hello, my name is Edward Welch, but I also go by the artist name ‘Rohkova’ and ‘DreadLévi Studios’. I am a self-taught manga artist and illustrator who is based in London, and I am currently producing new art and comics full time. Much of my work is inspired by the art and cultures that I researched while studying the Art History of Asia and Africa at university. This includes my Yokai March series inspired by Japanese folklore, as well as an original comic series known as East of the Moon.

As well as producing manga and art for selling at conventions I have also created comics for the Manga Jiman competition, which is hosted by the Japanese Embassy in London every year. When I first entered in 2019, I came 7th in the competition, rose up to 4th in the 2020 competiton, and then came 1st in 2021. Since winning I have been focusing on producing a new work for entering international manga competitions, as well as being involved in creating Manga art for a permanent exhibition at the Science Museum in 2022.

Personal Website:
Twitter: @EdRohkovaWelch
Instagram: edward_rohkova_welch