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Wicked Comics News Letter

The Past:

Malta Comic Con 2011 – Biggest Attendance Yet!

Wicked Comics are proud to announce that the third edition of the Malta Comic Convention (MCC) which was held on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November 2011 was the biggest one to date, both in terms of number of exhibitors and attendance.

Malta Comic Con 2011 – Largest Number of Exhibitors Yet!

An impressive roster of 19 foreign creators exhibited during the MCC 2011 which almost tripled the number of foreign creators who participated in 2010. Complimenting the foreign contingent were a further 29 exciting local creators to amount for a whopping total of 48 creators which all made St. James Cavalier buzz with creative vibes and positive energy.

Malta Comic Con 2011 – Foreign Comic Books Launched in Malta – Record Sales!

The MCC 2011 also marked the world”s premiere of Tim Perkins” all ages comic book Worlds End – Volume 1 – Riders of the Storm, which almost completely sold out during its launch. Similarly, Steve Tanner of Time Bomb Comics reported impressive sales for all comics sold, including Dick Turpin and the Crimson Plague which was internationally launched during the MCC 2011. The rest of the foreign creators also commented positively about their sales during the MCC, while Sean Azzopardi, Jon Haward, Emma Vieceli and Kate Brown impressively sold out all their books.

Malta Comic Con 2010/11 – Maltese Comics Galore!

MCC 2010 saw the launch of a new wave of locally produced comics including issue 0 of For Gallantry, issue 1 of Hal Mudlam and The Tsar, Volume 1 of Arcana Crusade and The Golden Lizard; the first graphic novel in Malta. These were followed up in MCC 2011 by more local releases which consisted of issue 1 of For Gallantry, issue 2 of Hal Mudlam, Volumes 1 and 2 of Apocalypse Rocked, the first instalment of Role Playing Guide Book, Soulcakes, the latest instalments of the running series Kranium and il-Gawgaw u l-Imlejka, the release of the one-shot Muna fil-Palazz ta” Bedud, issue 1 of Piju s-Surgent and Pilot the first comic book anthology published in Malta. These were exceptionally well received and their sales further confirm that the comic culture in Malta is thriving.

The Present:

Wicked Comics Donate Euro 900 to Charity!

During the Malta Comic Con 2011, Italian creator and guest Lucio Parillo worked on a live painting of the Hulk. Wicked Comics later sold the painting on E-bay for a whopping Euro1,000 all of which (bar shipping expenses) were on Saturday 21st April 2012 donated to the Ursuline Sisters in Sliema. We hope that this contribution will help the sisters to continue their excellent work in running the orphanage.

Wicked Comics at The Avengers Premiere!

Marvel Studio”s much awaited movie The Avengers hits our shores on Thursday 26th April, 2011. Wicked Comics in collaboration with Science is Culture will be holding a stand at the Eden Cinemas selling comic books, and raising awareness on both the comic culture in general and the Maltese Comic Convention.

Wicked Comics Forum Launched!

Wicked comics have also just lunched the official forum where Comics, Books, TV Series, Movies, Collectibles, Video Games, Table Top Games, Role Playing Games and much more can be discussed. The forum also offers a platform for fans to voice their opinions with regards to future Comic Convention held in Malta.

The Future:

Malta Comic Con 2012 – Dates Announced!

Wicked Comics would also like to announce that this year”s Malta Comic Convention (the fourth edition) will take place on Saturday 8th December and Sunday 9th December 2012. Fans can expect another impressive roster of foreign creators, more locally created comics, cosplay events and competitions, gaming events and competitions, movies and animations showing during the whole duration of the convention and a healthy number of talks, workshops and discussion panels. For the first time ever, MCC 2012 will also host leading German cosplayer and winner of several international cosplaying awards Calssara. More details will be announced shortly.

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