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War-Gaming And Role-Playing Society (W.A.R.S)

W.A.R.S. stands for War-gaming And Role-playing Society. W.A.R.S. will be at the Malta ComiCon 2011 and following their success last year will once again organise a variety of games. There will be one Role Playing Game (RPG) in the afternoon open to whoever wants to take part (on a first come fist served basis), possibly those whose interest is roused by the talk W.A.R.S will be holding on Saturday. W.A.R.S. will have various tables/stands displaying the various systems used; including actual character sheets from past or ongoing games, rulebooks and other related material. W.A.R.S. will also have a couple of tables on which various demonstrations will be played, mainly (but not exclusively) of two War-game systems; Warmachine/Hordes and Infinity. These tables will be made available to anyone wanting to join in and bring his own army or have a go at the game guided by players who will be on the spot. W.A.R.S. will also set up a few board-games (such as BloodBowl) for whoever wants to come along and join in. Finally, our “team” will be on the spot to explain and guide anyone who is interested in any ongoing activity.

In view of this Wicked Comics urge all gamers who wish to have a go at the Malta Comic Con to contact W.A.R.S. for more info on these games. W.A.R.S can be contacted on their website at, on Facebook or by email on –

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