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Thor, The Mighty Avenger (Tpb Vol 1)

Here we have the same characters and situation of the classic origin story from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby – Thor is kicked out from Asgard to Earth and meets Jane Foster. New comers”, writer Roger Langridge and artist Chris Samnee tale was intended as an all ages comic to introduce the character before the much expected film comes out. Although a god, Thor is found lonely, lost and longing to return to his home while trying to help out on earth. As the story unfolds he meets friends and foes and with the help of Samnee”s visuals that capture the right emotions we look at both his heroic and softer side. Much to everyone”s surprise this has garnered a lot of praise from the comic industry and is such a pity that the book got cancelled at issue 8. It was so cool! Can”t wait to see what is coming next for these creators. A bonus in this trade paperback is the reprinting of Journey into Mystery 83 and 84, the first Thor comics.


Review by Christopher Muscat 

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