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The Westwood Witches are coming from Amigo Comics

This May, AMIGO COMICS proudly presents the next horror book from El Torres and Abel García (aka Abe Hernando). THE WESTWOOD WITCHES.

The same team behind the acclaimed “Drums” miniseries at Image Comics tell us a whole new tale of horror that brings the witchcraft into the modern world. A macabre 4-issues miniseries that will be released in May, 2013.

“It’s not just about witchcraft” states El Torres, “but about beliefs, too. What seems real to us sounds like nonsense to others, and that’s the power of literature… and quackery. But overall, The Westwood Witches is a tale about neighborhood and neighbors. In this book, they’re beautiful, they’re kind, and they’re demon worshippers. You could say it’s like Desperate Housewives with macabre murderings”.

Torres also says: “I’m also very happy with the awesome art that Abel does in this book. Abel does a terrific work depicting creepy suburbias and hot women. There are a lot of homages to Goya’s macabre paintings and engravings, and a great mood and atmosphere… which is what makes horror really fun.

You can read a sneak peek of the first issue here: Westwood Witches 1

Jack Kurtzberg is a successful writer of young witch romance bestsellers… and he hates it so much. Suffering from writer’s block, he decides to move back to his hometown, not knowing that his new neighbours are witches, the kind of demon worshippers that would kill anyone who could disturb their dominion in Westwood.

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