Damsels #1 is hitting stores this upcoming September, written by the acclaimed writing team of Leah Moore and John Reppion, with beautiful art by Aneke, and dynamic covers by J. Scott Campbell and Sean Chen!
In Damsels #1, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, and Snow White come together with other damsels in a new adventure filled with danger and intrigue. The alluring princesses of classic fairy tales take up arms to save their kingdoms from war.
“We are thoroughly enchanted to be working on such a spellbinding series,” say writers Leah Moore and John Reppion. “It’s fantastic fun for us as writers to be able to play with characters and concepts that are familiar, but then put our own Moore & Reppion style spin on things. Yes, there are Damsels and yes, there will be plenty of distress, but nothing is how it seems, and there is brutal action and weird surprises at every turn. We have had so much fun writing this, and we are so pleased with the art team Dynamite have set us up with. We can’t wait to see it in print.”
“We’ve been talking about Damsels for a long time internally, and trying to figure out who the best writers would be. Leah and John were at the top of the list, but they had taken a break from comics. Debating who to approach, we followed up with Leah and John to see if they would script once time freed up. They said yes. It was the best decision for the comic.” states Dynamite Publisher Nick Barrucci. “Get ready for one hell of a ride. Not every fairy tale has a happy ending.”
For more information kindly visit: www.dynamite.net