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Thank You For Making Malta Comic Con 2012 Great!

Despite all the difficulties encountered (particularly the last minute guest cancellations) Wicked Comics are pleased to announce that the fourth edition of the Malta Comic Convention (MCC) actually turned out great. In fact general consensus appears to be that this has been the best MCC to date! Freakishly Good Vibes!

As we’ve always said being a voluntary organisation there’s only so much we can do. The rest happens because of the invaluable contribution of third parties. Consequently, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has played a role in making this year’s show such a memorable experience.

First and foremost we would like to thank everyone who has played a role in helping us make the first Malta Comic Con happen, those who believed in us and supported us from the start and those who joined them in making the other 2 conventions leading to this one. Our eternal love and gratitude goes to all our previous guests and exhibitors, helpers, collaborators, sponsors, journalist, promoters and attendees. Your belief, support, encouragement, advice and promotion are invaluable to us.


We would also like to thank all the guests for this year’s show. You have all proved to be great folk, people who understand what Wicked Comics is all about, and who have contributed so much to make MCC 2012 such a special show. Eternal love and respect goes to Emma Rios, Federica Di Nardo, Chris J. Thompson, Ben Templesmith +Molly, Herb Trimpe + Patricia, Dez Skinn + Aniko, Jean-Sebastien Rossbach, Dave Gibbons + Helen, Tim Perkins, Sean Azzopardi, Sonia Leong, Guillermo Ortego, Richmond Clements, Inko, Chie Kutsuwada, Salvatore Di Marco, Antonino Pirotta, Alessandra Ragusa and all at Grafimated Cartoons, Dan Lester, David Delia and Alan Stealth + Harry. You’re always welcome in Malta and at our show!


Wicked Comics would also like to thank all the local exhibitors for their contribution in making the Malta Comic Con 2012 the best show to date. Thank you, well done and keep it up. Love and respect goes to Dean Fenech, Joseph Bugeja (Buge) Guzi Gatt, Mikiel Galea and all at Komiks Tas-Sikkina, Sephora Zammit, Darren Delmar, Samwel Mallia, Adam Cini, Askya Pizzuto, Ryan Attard, Peter Magro, Audrienne Degorgio, Abigail Theuma, Fleur Sciortino, Davida Flores, Rebecca Portelli and all at Pilot, Suzanne De Kock, Maria Isabella Grech, Ellen Pace, Chris De Souza Jensen, Anthony Pirotta, Stefan Agius Katya Busuttil, Christian, Graziella and all at Astro, Bernard Micallef, Jeanelle Zammit, Elizabeth Mallia, Roderick Pace, Moira Zahra, Mark Scicluna, William Calleja, Yannick Massa, Nestor Laiveria and all at Mechanimus Studio, Inez Kristina Baldachhino, Red Caruana, Malcolm Alden, Fabio Giangolini, Fabrizio Vella, Francis Jones, and Kevin Duca, Heathcliff Bonnici, Pierre Briffa and all at W.A.R.S. Thank you guys for proudly flying our flag at Malta Comic Con 2012. We hope to see you again next year.


Wicked Comics would like to thank all our helpers some of whom not only gave a helping hand during the show, but both before (setting up) and after (closing down). Seriously guys without your help we would not be able to hold the show. Thank you ever so much and we look forward to collaborating with you again for 2013. Eternal love and respect goes to Chris Thompson, Tim Perkins, Paitoon Ratan, Noel Pulis and Video Game People, Mark Tagliaferro, Romaine Mallia, Heathcliff Bonnici, Christianne Briffa, Elizabeth Grech and all at W.A.R.S, Kenneth Micallef, Stacey Saliba (aka Black Cat), Samantha Mallia, Joanne Mallia, Christian Stellini (aka No Face), Efrem Cortis, Cynthia Chircop, Juan Mario Farrugia (JMF Comics), Jacob Grech, John Paul Gauci, Nel Pace, Chris Jensen, Fabio Scicluna, Richard Paxton, Emon Zammit, A.J. Burd, Jessica Agius, Brian Spiteri, Anthony Pirotta, Dean Fenech, Christian Fenech, Justin Camilleri, David Pace, Manolo Dingli and his crew, Marco Attard, Joanna Galea, Sonia Muscat and last but certainly not least Chris Gatt, Olivia, Carmen and all at St. James Cavalier.


Wicked Comics would like to thank all the retailers who held a stand at the Malta Comic Con 2012. We hope you enjoyed yourselves and sold loads of stuff and trust to see you all at next year. Love and respect goes to Simon Muscat and his family, Mark Grech and the whole Toy Town crew, Ashley Peschel (for ensuring that once again Agenda Book Shops took part in the show and for his hard work in offering another place were comics can be sold), Anthea Peschel for assisting Ashley during the show, and all at Pandora’s Box. Thank you guys for adding flavour to our show.


We would also like to offer our heartfelt gratitude to all those who support and promote our show. There are literally too many persons here, and we appreciate every effort every individual has made in supporting us but eternal love and respect go to the following for your consistent help: John Bamber, Miguel Dominguez and all at AEAC, Chris J. Thompson and Pop Culture Hound and The Orbiting Pod, Taylor Lilley, Paul H. Birch and Birmingham Mail’s Speech Balloons, John Freeman and all at Down the Tubes, Terry Hooper (Hooper Comic Art Blogspot) and all at ComicBits Online, all the crew at First Comic News, Tim Perkins and all at Wizards Keep, Richmond Clements, Sean Azzopardi, Joe Gordon and all at Forbidden Planet Uk, Leo Johnson and the crew at Geek Syndicate, Charlene Bennett and Blonde Purple Bruise Blog Spot, Peter Howard and all at Sequential Highway, Vasileia Vaxevani, Lide Tsene and all at Comicdom, Dave Windett and Graeme Hurry at Kzine, Lee Grice, Paul Gravett, Richard Edwards and all at SFX Magazine, Jonathon Dalton and all at Cloudscape Comics, Ramona Depares and Life With A Dash of Zing, Teodor Reljic and all at Malta Today, Chris Jensen and Prosimian Blog, Heathcliff Bonnici, Pierre Briffa and all the crew at WARS, Noel Pulis and Video Game People, Gorg Mallia, Dean Fenech, Juan Mario Farrugia, Elizabeth Mallia, Mark Wood, Cedric Debono, Simonne Pace, Doris Azzopardi, Emanuel Cassar, Paul Grech, Melvin Farrugia, the Meander cew, The Minecraft Community, David Guivant, Sandra Aquilina, Joe Grech, Joe Dimech, TVM, Super One Radio, news, The Times of Malta and The Sunday Times, The Maltastar, The Malta Independent, Unique Holiday Malta, Elizabeth and all at Advance Tourism, My Destination Malta, I News Malta, Hotel Travel Malta, Gozo News, I Valletta, Hotlist, and all the comic promoting Facebook Groups.


Our heartfelt gratitude also goes to all our collaborators, whose help in various ways makes the Malta Comic Con possible. Eternal love and respect goes to Chris Gatt and all at St. James Cavalier, Dr. Jesmond Schembri and everyone at Malta Tourism Authority, Ingrid Eomois and all at the British Council, his Excellency Jim Hennessy and all the Embassy of Ireland, Dominique Freslon and all at the Embassy of France, the Department of Information, Russell Muscat and all at Heritage Malta, Gladys Micallef and all at Santana Hotel, Claudette Mifsud and all at Malta Tours, Glen Calleja at MTCE, Paramount Garage Malta and Print Lab.


Last but certainly not least Wicked Comics would like to thank each and every person who came to this year’s Malta Comic Con, those who bought the limited edition Malta Comic Con exclusive 2013 Calendar, and those who bought something from our stand or from one of the guests/exhibitors/retail stands. Thank you for your generosity and support and for helping us keep the Malta Comic Con an annual event. You are the life and soul of Malta Comic Con and we look forward to hearing your views here and to seeing you all next year. In the meantime make sure to visit our website ( ) or our Wicked Comics Facebook page ( for our latest news from the world of comics and more wicked events.

As customary we appreciate all the feedback and comments we can get so kindly email us your thoughts on this year’s show on

If we forgot anyone our sincere apologies. Thank you all and all the best for the festive season.

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