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As television adaptation of Garth Ennis’ seminal Vertigo comic series, The Preacher, Dynamite Entertainment gives fans and curious newcomers an added incentive to take part in the Essential Garth Ennis Humble Bundle, celebrating the very best Ennis graphic novels published by Dynamite. The first collection of Red Team, the 2014 hardboiled crime drama written by Ennis and featuring the artistic talent of Craig Cermak, joins the Essential Garth Ennis Humble Bundle, adding one more gritty, blood-drenched thrillride to an already-impressive line-up!

The Red Team-expanded promotion can be found today at:

Red Team is the story of a Major Crimes task force unit in the NYPD, four of New York’s finest and smartest. They’ve taken down one druglord after another with a careful blend of meticulous surveillance
and applied violence, but the red tape on their latest case has brought their pursuit of justice to a grinding halt. Frustrated, they take extreme measures… and murder a suspect. As they’re about to discover, doing the wrong thing can be very, very seductive. A hardcore crime drama in the tradition of The Wire and The Shield, Red Team appeals to a legion of fans who appreciate the moral ambiguity
and intense violence of such similar titles as Preacher, The Punisher, Hitman, and The Boys!

The addition of Red Team to the Essential Garth Ennis Humble Bundle is especially timely, as the Major Crimes task force returns to Manhattan’s mean streets in Red Team: Double Tap, Center Mass, an all-new comic book series launching this July.

Red Team joins The Boys (another Ennis-penned series, recently announced as being set for television adaptation), Battlefields, The Shadow, and Jennifer Blood in a carefully curated selection of the acclaimed writer’s very best work at Dynamite Entertainment, available with “Pay What You Want” pricing as part of this special digital Humble Bundle promotion.

“I’ve done some of my favorite work for Dynamite, and I’m delighted to see Battlefields, The Boys, Red Team, and the rest presented for a new audience,” says Garth Ennis.

Part of the proceeds from the Essential Garth Ennis Humble Bundle promotion will contribute to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the First
Amendment rights of the comics art form and its community of retailers, creators, publishers, librarians, and readers. “Garth has always supported the CBLDF in very meaningful ways. We’re verygrateful for his continued support, and the generosity he and the teamat Dynamite are showing in dedicating the charitable proceeds from this Humble Bundle to the CBLDF’s important work,” says Charles
Brownstein, Executive Director of CBLDF.

The “Pay What You Want” model offers readers the chance to unlock over 130 comics and over 3,400 pages of content!

The core will give comics fans access to:
• The Boys Vol. 1: The Name of the Game
• The Boys Vol. 2: Get Some
• The Boys Vol. 3: Good for the Soul
• The Boys Vol. 4: We Gotta Go Now
• Battlefields Vol. 1: The Night Witches
• Battlefields Vol. 2: Dear Billy

For those who pay more than the average price at time of purchase will
also unlock all of the above PLUS:
• The Boys Vol. 5: Herogasm
• The Boys Vol. 6: The Self-Preservation Society
• The Boys Vol. 7: The Innocents
• The Boys Vol. 8: Highland Laddie
• Battlefields Vol. 3: The Tankies
• Battlefields Vol. 4: Happy Valley
• Battlefields Vol. 5: The Firefly and His Majesty
• Jennifer Blood Vol. 1: A Woman’s Work is Never Done
• The Shadow Vol. 1: The Fire of Creation
• Red Team Vol. 1 – NEWLY UNLOCKED

$15 or more will get you all of the above PLUS:
• The Boys Vol. 9: The Big Ride
• The Boys Vol. 10: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker
• The Boys Vol. 11: Over the Hill With the Swords of A Thousand Men
• The Boys Vol. 12: The Bloody Doors Off
• Battlefields Vol. 6: Motherland
• Battlefields Vol. 7: The Green Fields Beyond
• Battlefields Vol. 8: The Fall and Rise of Anna Kharkova

Visit today to start your collection of Dynamite’s Garth Ennis

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