Wicked Comics are proud to announce that the Extreme Mega Saver Malta Comic Con 2016 Tickets sold out in less than two days! Wicked Comics would like to thank everyone for the strong support shown which exceeded their most optimistic expectations. Those who missed out need not panic as the Super Saver Tickets are now available from the MCC website http://www.maltacomic-con.com/tickets and as of tomorrow they will also be available from Pandora’s Box Collectibles (Tarxien) and from Toy Town (Birkirkara).
Wicked Comics are also proud to announce that creators Samantha Scuri (La Maschera Son Io), Raul Allen (Secret Avengers), Patricia Martin (Wrath of Eternal Warrior), John Royle (G.I. Joe) and cosplayer Chiara Cordello (Gutter-Flower-Cosplay) will be joining Tom Foster, David Hitchcock, Collette Turner, Roger Langridge, Sean Azzopardi, John Fleming, Cliodhna, Andreas Michaelides, Tim Perkins, PJ Holden, Aris Labos, Guillermo Ortego and Mr. Massy81 as guests for the Malta Comic Con which will be held on Saturday 3rd (10am-6pm) and Sunday 4th (11am-7pm) December 2016 at the south end of the Malta Fairs and Convention Centre (MFCC) in Ta’ Qali (next to the Millennium Stand).
“Looking forward to attending Malta comic con!” stated Raul Allen. The sentiment was shared by Patricia Martin who said “Malta Comic Con is going to be my first Comic Con ever! So excited to visit Malta for the first time as well. Can’t wait to meet the team who run this comic con and feel the ambiance that they create in each edition!”
Samantha Scuri, graduated at l’Accademia delle Belle Arti di Torino, class of 1999, started her artistic career with a precise objective, spreading the Japanese animation culture with the traditional painting technique.
Her studies and specified exercises, typically academic, have the resulted in what she was looking for.
Thus a new mature graphic art was born, an appropriate medium to work with production houses on a professional level.
Her working experience started, in which we could see her as an artist, exhibitioner, Manga style teacher at Savona and Torino, congress person and artistic director at Comic conventions, reaching an artistic quality which was praised by masters like Masami Suda and Eisaku Inoue.
In these last few years she has worked to promote the style of the late master Shingo Araki.
She collaborated with the dubbing director Ivo De Palma, with whom she has produced videos and conferences to spread Japanese animation in fairs and cultural events. She has also collaborated as a storyboard artist for the pilot episode “Bianca ed i sette cloni”, a project created and directed by Gian Domenico Facchini.
Under the label of Shin Project Studio (in which she is a co-founder), she is working on a manga titled “La Maschera son io!”, a re-imagined story of the Iron Mask, in which Scuri does the artworks, the panelling and the script, while her associate Massimiliano Gissi does the digital colourisation.
During her live performances one can appreciate the particular technique with pens used with both hands simultaneously.
She was also a character designer for a promotional video from the company Brain Fitness.
Recently she has worked as a graphic designer for L’OREAL.
Presently she lives and works in Torino.
The town of Valladolid saw him grow up, come and go. While in Salamanca he graduated from Fine Arts, later on he moved to Boston to study Illustration and Design. He currently lives in Spain. He is always searching for a way to see the inside and outside of things, to the extreme of sleeping with his eyes open.
Multiple Harvey Award nominee, Raul Allen has worked for Marvel comics alongside David Aja, with writers such as Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker on ‘The Immortal Iron Fist’; with Warren Ellis on ‘Secret Avengers’; and again with Matt Fraction on ‘Hawkeye’. Allen has also worked with Image on ‘Drums’ with El Torres, and most recently on his Valiant Comics adventure he has collaborated with Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt, Peter Milligan and Robert Venditti drawing the series ‘Wrath of Eternal Warrior’. Allen has done over fifty covers for Valiant comics.
As an illustrator, Allen has worked with Quentin Tarantino, Playboy, RollingStone, Billboard, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Washington Post, Wall St Journal, El País, and Adidas to name a few. And his work has been selected and awarded by the Society of Illustrators of NY 49th Annual Exhibition, Illustration West 43, 3×3 Magazine of Contemporary Illustration, The National Drawing Award Gregorio Prieto. His work has been exhibited in New York, Boston, Washington, Rome, Berlin, Stockholm, Madrid and Barcelona.

Patricia Martin:
Multiple Harvey Award nominee, Patricia Martín is a letterer, comic artist and illustrator. Born in Spain in 1985, she always felt the need to communicate either through writing or drawing. Martín began her career as a letterer and editor in the field of book publishing with companies such as Oxford, El Jinete Azul and Barbara Fiore Editora; working on the lettering and design of the Spanish adaptation of Luke Pearson’s Hilda books, Jimmy Liao or Suzy Lee. Later on she moved to the illustration and comic industry and for the last couple of years, she worked on Jeff Lemire’s ‘Bloodshot Reborn #5’, Matt Kindt’s ‘Ninjak #6’ and ’Wrath of Eternal Warrior’ alongside artist Raúl Allén and writer Robert Venditti for Valiant Comics. Besides her new top secret project for Valiant Comics, she is working on a personal picture book.
Since 2012 John Royle has been the regular penciller of IDW’s various Danger Girl miniseries, He kicked off with the five-issue Danger Girl/G.I. Joe crossover – a great way to celebrate his two decades in the industry, which began in 1992 with a one-off contribution to Fleetway’s Red Dwarf Smegazine . Rapidly he moved on to Marvel Uk and a run on Knights of Pendragon that took him into 1993 when he embarked on a variety of miniseries – Death’s Head II and the Origin of Die Cut and Death Metal among them – before The House of Ideas itself came calling. Royle worked for Marvel until 1996, his most high profile projects being Wolverine: Evilution (a 1994 one-shot that he drew in collaboration with Mark Texeira) and Excalibur. Along the way, he found time to illustrate a couple of Rai fill-ins for Valiant, Robin-Impulse for D.C Comics as well as work on a number of Malibu’s Ultraverse titles, among them Ultraforce, Prime and most notably The Phoenix Resurrection. His next work was for Marvel, primarily on 1997 issues of Star Trek: Starfleet Academy , but he was only there for a year before outside demands for his talents forced him to retire from comics although only semi-permanently. After a seven-year break he resurfaced at Panini (Marvel UK as was) for which he contributed to multiple issues of Spectacular Spider-Man over the next seven years while also working on 18 of the first 19 issues of 2004’s Marvel Rampage and being a major contributor to Stan Lee’s ‘Alexa’ a 2005 iBooks one-shot. Then came IDW and Danger Girl. John is also presently providing numerous cover for IDW’s G.I.JOE Real American hero.
After participating at her first show Fiera del fumetto in 2010 Chiara Cordello who is also known as Gutter-Flower-Cosplay started to cultivate her passion for the Cosplay scene. The characters she portrays are primarily inspired from the Videogame world, mainly Asian, with eccentric and controversial characters. She loves to experiment in new techniques and materials, but her favourite medium is Foam, with which she creates the majority of her armours, weapons and accessories.
As customary Wicked Comics have designed a number of packages for fans wishing to travel to the Malta Comic Con from abroad, which include heavily discounted accommodation rates and local transport from hotel to convention centre. Similarly Wicked Comics have a number of packages tailored for foreign creators who wish to exhibit at the Malta Comic Con including heavily discounted tables. Wicked Comics can be contacted on info@maltacomic-con.com
More information on these packages can be found here:
More details can be found on the Malta Comic Con website:
http://www.maltacomic-con.com and all announcements can be followed on the Malta Comic Con Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Malta-Comic-Con-193667083985578/timeline