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Call for Helpers Malta Comic Con 2014 (Where Dreams Come True!)

As you know the Malta Comic Con 2014 (Where Dreams Come True!) is fast approaching. To this end Wicked Comics are looking for a number of cool people who are willing to help out especially during the two days of the Comic Con (Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th November 2014).

We will primarily be requiring help on the 2 days of the shows. Helpers will be assigned duties as need may be, but will mainly be required to man access points, as well as tickets and Wicked Comics stands. We employ a shift system so that helpers will be expected to help out while on shift and enjoy the show while not. Duty times will be assigned according to the number and availability of helpers. So the more helpers we have on board the more time you’ll have to enjoy the show. So spread the word.

Each helper will also receive a free Malta Comic Con t-shirt (to be worn while on shift) as well as a free set of the Malta Comic Con 2014 Exclusive limited edition Postcards designed by our guests as well as a free copy of the limited Malta Comic Con 2014 Exclusive Blank Cover Sketch Edition Rogues! Comic.

Anyone interested in helping out is kindly requested to send us an email on with the available days and preferred helping times. Kindly also state your t-shirt size.

We will also need help setting down on Sunday evening after 7pm so kindly state availability for this as well. Similarly anyone who can help set up between Wednesday 26th and Friday 29th is also kindly requested to let us know accordingly.

Thanks you in advance
Wicked Comics

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