The solicits for May come plenty of horror, sword and sorcery! From Colleen Douglas and Andre Stahlschmidt the cosmic horror as you’ve never seen it in the new miniseries, Titan! Also, we say goodbye (for now) to the horror in the woods, at the miniseries Call of the Suicide Forest, by Desiree Bressend and Ruben Gil, and as always, standard cover by Toni Fejzula and incentive cover by maestro Pasqual Ferry!
It is also the fifth episode of Tales of Rogues! New creators and new stories of Bram and Weasel. This time, prepare yourself to roar with laughter with David Abadia, Pablo Dura and Ertito Montana, when our rogues have to run through The Shortcuts of Destiny! But there is more! The re-solicit lost issue #4 Ghost Wolf: The Horde of Fangs so all will have a chance to get a copy!
Amigo Comics! Look for us in Diamond Previews!Amigo Comics! We’ve even got corner boxes on the cover!
And remember: PRE-ORDER!! Preferably via your friendly neighborhood comic book dealer!
PS Previews off all below titles can be found on our website.
Call of the Suicide Forest #5 (of 5)
Story: Desiree Bressend
Art: Ruben Gil
Cover: Toni Fejzula
In this final issue: Getting into the woods is easy. Surviving in the woods isn’t. Neither is surviving the forest itself. Because, as Portia, the suicidal young woman and Ryoko the ranger will know, Aokigahara is just the mirror of her own fears… inhabited by those who feed on them.
This miniseries is the sequel of the acclaimed graphic novel The Suicide Forest, written by El Torres with art by Gabriel Walta, masterfully written by Desiree Bressend with the artwork by Ruben Gil, but it can be read independently. And this time, a Retailer incentive cover, served 1:10, by Pasqual Ferry!
UPC Code: 732030830844-00511
Alternate cover:
32 pages FC
Tales of Rogues! #6 (of 6)
Writers: David Abadia and Pablo Dura
Art: Ertito Montana
Color: Nuno and Ricardo Rodrigues
Cover: Ertito Montana and Ester Salguero
The writers who did the non-official-but- extremely-funny El Aguila, and even published in Marvel Comics, David Abadia and Pablo Dura, and the awesome Ertito Montana taking again the art chores come The Shortcuts of Destiny, the funniest Rogues tale until now! Join the fan-favorite rogue duo in a comic-book with five stories that interlock like an arabesque (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
And for the first time in the history of the medium, a comic-book cover with four corner boxes. You know what they say, four the corner boxes, four times the fun!